Tom and Kim Rairdon
How do you balance finances and family? It’s a challenge for most physicians, particularly with school age children.
In this episode I talk with Tom and Kim Rairdon of the High Income Parents blog. They focus on many of the financial and family issues that physicians with children face including college savings, retirement, balancing work and family.
Tom is an anesthesiologist in Texas. He and Kim have 5 children, whom she home schools. Listen to the episode and how they talk about how they decided on taking this approach to their children’s education. They also have good ideas about children and allowances.
Thanks for listening to this episode and for the continued downloads of this show. The numbers are growing and I really appreciate it. Thanks to Tom and Kim for joining us today. I really enjoyed hearing about the success and challenges they have with getting to financial independence with 5 kids. I’m sure with their determination, they will achieve this sooner than they expect.
What about you, where are you in your plans for financial independence? Message me on Twitter or join the Doctor Money Matters Facebook group.
You can read Tom and Kims blog at HighIncomeParents.com and you can follow them on twitter @HighIncParents
More episodes of this podcast are available at www.doctormoneymatters.com and Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Stitcher, etc. All episodes are also now on YouTube (Audio only)
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I listened to this podcast this morning and enjoyed. Then I tried to find their website and doesn’t seem to be up anymore. Any insights? thanks!